Present your research
December 8th | 6:30 - 9:00pm CST | Tulane University, Qatar Ballroom

An undergraduate research exhibition in the heart of South-east Louisiana
The Southern Louisiana Symposium of Undergraduate Political & Economic Research (SUPER-SL) is a poster exhibition of student research from universities across New Orleans and the rest of Southern Louisiana. A collaboration between Tulane University's Murphy Institute - a global leader in political-economic thought - and the Tulane Journal of Policy and Political Economy, SUPER-SL provides students with the opportunity to showcase their original work to, and network with, leading faculty from institutions across the world.
We seek original research from undergraduate students at any phase of the research process - whether in-progress or completed - that falls into the broad categories of political science, economics, public health, policy, or political economy. Accepted authors will be invited to present a poster showcasing their research at Tulane University's Qatar Ballroom on December 8th, 2021.

Keynote Speaker
Dr. Gary A. Hoover is the Executive Director of the Murphy Institute at Tulane University and a professor of economics.
From 2015 until 2020 he was a President’s Associates Presidential Professor and the Chair of the Economics Department at the University of Oklahoma.
He received his PhD from Washington University in St. Louis in 1998. Since then he has published numerous scholarly research papers, book chapters, and reviews on the areas of public policy of income redistribution/poverty, political economy, and ethics in the economics profession. He is the co-chair of the American Economic Association Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession. He has also served as the Vice President of the Southern Economic Association.
He is the founding and current editor of the Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy. He is also a network member at the Center for Economic Studies & info Institute in Germany.

A collaboration between
The Murphy Institute & The Tulane Journal of Policy and Political Economy
6:00pm - Setup begins (for accepted researchers)
6:30pm - Doors open to public
7:00pm - Introduction & Welcoming Remarks
- Keynote Speech | Dr. Gary Hoover, Executive Director of the Murphy Institute
7:30pm - 9:00pm - Open presentation/poster exhibition period
8:45pm - Closing Remarks
SUPER-SL seeks original research from current undergraduate students at universities across Southern Louisiana in the broad categories of Political Science, Economics, Political Economy, Public Health, and Policy. Students may present research at any stage of the research process, from proposal to finished product.
All submissions will be reviewed by an editorial team, as well as SUPER-SL's directors. Submissions will be evaluated on quality/rigor of research methods and structure, uniqueness of focus, and potential to contribute to the greater academic community.
Accepted students will prepare posterboards with brief summaries of their research projects/proposals, including abstracts, findings, and charts. These posterboards will be displayed on tables throughout the exhibition. Authors must remain with their posterboards for the majority of the event, but are encouraged to periodically interact with other student researchers.
Authors will have the opportunity to present their research to, and interact/network with, premiere professional researchers from the Murphy Institute, Tulane University, and universities across Southern Louisiana and beyond, and will receive priority consideration for publication in the Journal's upcoming editions.